
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tarbiah Anak...petikan dari Metro...

Petikan yang menarik dan ilmiah yang berguna bagiku.....

KUALA LUMPUR: Mendidik anak zaman ini supaya tidak terbabit dengan gejala sosial sememangnya mencabar, namun usaha berganda daripada ibu bapa sekurang-kurangnya boleh dijadikan ‘benteng’ untuk mengelak ia berlaku.

Penceramah bebas, Ustaz Hassan Mahmud Al-Hafiz berkata, ibu bapa, terutama yang sibuk bekerja, harus berusaha dengan lebih bersungguh-sungguh mencari pendekatan terbaik bagi mendidik anak mereka.

Katanya, ada pelbagai cara boleh digunakan supaya anak sedar dan takut untuk melakukan maksiat.

“Langkah pertama ialah ta’lim iaitu pembelajaran dan seelok-eloknya, ibu bapa yang bekerja menghantar anak mereka kepada guru agama. Kedua pula ialah tarbiah (pendidikan) dan ia harus diberi oleh ibu bapa terhadap anak.

“Ketiga pula ta’did atau hukuman yang memerlukan ibu bapa tidak memandang remeh terhadap kesalahan dilakukan anak.

“Jika kena dengan salahnya, mereka harus dihukum supaya menjadi peringatan untuk tidak mengulanginya lagi, namun hukuman itu perlu setimpal dan jangan sampai mendera,” katanya.

Menurut Hassan, ketiga-tiga pendekatan itu perlu disusuli dengan tazkirah atau atau pembersihan rohani. “Anak perlu diajar membaca al-Quran, berzikir, memberi sedekah dan sebagainya supaya jiwa mereka sentiasa terang, ” katanya.

Sementara itu, Pengasas Pusat Kebahagiaan Wanita dan Remaja (Kewaja), Yahya Mohamed Yusof berkata, dilema membabitkan permasalahan sosial dan maksiat di kalangan remaja berpunca daripada kesilapan masyarakat yang menerima konsep berdua-duaan dan bercinta sebagai satu budaya.

Katanya, budaya ini dianggap kebiasaan, oleh itu ia sekali gus membuka jalan kepada perlakuan seks.

“Mereka (ibu bapa) seolah-olah membuka jalan kepada anak untuk berbuat demikian. Bukan saja membenarkan mereka bercinta, malah tidak kisah jika anak itu mahu berdua-duaan.

“Sikap memanjakan anak sehingga tahap inilah yang sangat merumitkan. Jangan terlalu percayakan dan sayang anak membuta tuli, apabila berlaku perkara tidak diingini nanti menyesal tak sudah,” katanya yang berpengalaman lebih 20 tahun dalam menangani masalah sosial wanita.

Menurut Yahya, jika ibu bapa tidak mengendahkan perbuatan anak mereka, ia secara tidak langsung mendedahkan anak terbabit kepada gejala negatif.

p/s...semoga ia menambahkan lagi panduan kita dlm mendidik anak2

Thursday, November 18, 2010


pembaziran yang berpanjangan utk dia ni...duit rakyat tu....nnt dpt anak, buat cukur jambul nk guna duit rakyat jugak ke....

MACC starts probe into PKNS and Yayasan Selangor
By Llew-Ann Phang and Maria J. Dass

PETALING JAYA (Nov 14, 2010): Alleged shenanigans at the Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS) and the Selangor Foundation (Yayasan Selangor) have caught the attention of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

The MACC has started investigations against the institutions following complaints of misconduct by the management of PKNS that was brought up at the State Legislative Assembly last week; and the foundation's perceived extravagance in organising its since cancelled 40th Anniversary luncheon tomorrow.

MACC investigations director Mustafar Ali confirmed that reports were lodged against the institutions, but was tight-lipped. "We have received some complaints and I would say and I can confirm that initial inquiries are being carried out but I cannot elaborate."

On Friday, Hulu Kelang assemblyman Saari Sungib accused PKNS of cronyism and mismanaging funds. He said that since PKNS’s corporate building was under construction, it had moved to a temporary office and paying RM267,932 a month in rent. Total rent for a three-year contract is RM9.6 million.

Apart from cronyism complaints alleging that top management appointed their acquaintances to head PKNS subsidiaries, there were also claims of huge gaps of between RM10,000 and RM24,000 in wages between contract officers and senior officers.

Another issue was the RM520,000 spent on astronaut Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor's wedding dinner last month.

Yayasan Selangor’s management, meanwhile, is also mired in allegations stemming from the RM285,000 royal luncheon scheduled today to mark its 40th anniversary. The event was snubbed by Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah who said it was extravagant.

Other allegations include the purchase of luxury cars; the closure of Yayasan Selangor Skills Institute in Bagan Terap, Sabak Bernam, due to lack of funds; a RM170,000 buka puasa function; RM200,000 for clothes and RM320,000 for a Hari Raya event.

State opposition leader and former mentri besar Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo said his administration left RM60 million in the coffers of Yayasan Selangor, money that was made through investments on land allocated by the state.

"This is the money they are spending extravagantly now," he said adding that the funds were meant to help poor students.

"Why would you want to spend so much to celebrate the 40th anniversary?" Mohd Khir asked.

"One can understand if it was the 50th or 75th anniversary dinner, but while the explanation was that the money was for a lunch for 3,000 people including the children under the foundation, I think it should have gone to needy students and for facilities," he said when contacted.

This is what happens when you appoint persons to a position only because they have so called "business experience" Mohd Khir said of Yayasan Selangor general manager Ilham Marzuki.

"Even in the case of PKNS, an organisation that was set up with the intention to help the public, it is now funding the wedding of an astronaut and paying hefty sums for self-promotion by the general manager," he said.

"So what are they talking about when they say they are helping and enriching the people of Selangor?" asked Mohd Khir.

Selangor assembly speaker and chairman of the Selangor Committee for Competency, Accountability and Transparency (Selcat) Teng Chang Khim said he would consult his committee on whether a hearing should be initiated to scrutinise the spending of the state subsidiaries.

Last Wednesday, Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said he had directed the audit team of Mentri Besar Incorporated to look into PKNS and Yayasan Selangor's operations following assemblymen questioning the irregularities.

selidik jgn x selidik...claim balik...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Remaja zaman sekarang....

Takut dan risau rasanya melalui zaman sekarang...setiap hari ada sahaja perkara yang mereka lakukan yang melanggar batasan susila..hari ini kita disajikan dengan kelakuan beberapa remaja yang melempang seorang pengemis yang sedang tidur, kemudian ketawa berdekah-dekah...kejam sungguh...bukan bermakna mereka pengemis, mereka boleh diperlakukan sedemikian rupa mahupun sesuka...mereka juga mempunyai hak... apakah kepuasan yang mereka perolehi dengan berbuat demikian, tidak terlintaskah di fikiran mereka, jika ahli keluarga diperlakukan begitu...paling tidak pun, kalau kita sendiri diperlakukan sedegitu suatu hari kelak....ingatlah...kita bukan sentiasa berada di tahap teratas sepanjang hayat... wahai remaja berkenaan...walaupun tiada pertalian darah antara kita sesama manusia....namun kita semuanya mahluk Allah.... 

Bagi aku ibubapa tidak seharusnya dipersalahkan sepenuhnya ekoran kelakuan remaja2 ini, sebab masing2 dah besar panjang... otak ada takkan benda2 basic menghormati hak2 org lain pun tak

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku...jauhkanlah anak2ku daripada melakukan perkara2 seumpama ini...Amin

Thursday, November 11, 2010

kenapa kita makan menggunakan tangan

Mengikut cara Rasulullah s.a.w,  beliau akan menggaulkan lauk dan nasi dengan tangan kanannya dan  kemudian membiarkan sebentar, lalu  Rasullah saw akan mengambil  sedikit garam menggunakan jari kecilnya (yg last tu),   lalu Rasullah saw akan menghisap garam itu. Kemudian barulah Rasulullah makan nasi dan lauknya.


Kerana kedua belah  tangan kita ada mengeluarkan 3 macam enzim,tetapi konsentrasi di tangan  kanan kurang sedikit dari  yg kiri. Ini adalah kerana  enzim yg ada di tangan kanan itu merupakan enzim yang dapat  menolong proses penghadaman (digestion), ia merupakan the first process  of digestion.

Mengapa menghisap garam?

Kerana garam adalah sumber mineral dari tanah yg diperlukan oleh badan kita. Dua  cecah garam dari jari kita itu adalah sama dgn satu liter air  mineral. Kita berasal dari tanah maka lumrahnya bahan yang asal dari bumi  (tanah) inilah yg paling berkhasiat untuk kita.

Kenapa  garam?

Selain dari sebab ia adalah sumber mineral, garam juga  adalah penawar yang paling mujarab bagi keracunan, mengikut Dr,  dihospital-hospital, the first line of treatment for poisoning adalah  dengan memberi Sodium Chloride,iaitu GARAM.Garam juga dapat menghalang  sihir dan makhluk-makhluk halus yang ingin menggangu  manusia.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Why do talented employees leave companies?

THIS IS A GOOD SHARING. DO TAKE TIME TO READ....Quite long but it worth
Largest studies undertaken by the Gallup Organization.

Why do talented employees leave companies? Come to think of it. This is almost 100% true. Read below & find out the answer.

Early this year, Arun, an old friend who is a senior software designer, got an offer from a prestigious international firm to work in its India operations developing specialized software. He was thrilled by the offer. He had heard a lot about the CEO of this company, a charismatic man often quoted in the business press for his visionary attitude. The salary was great. The company had all the right systems in place employee-friendly human resources (HR) policies, a spanking new office, the very best technology, even a canteen that served superb food.

Twice Arun was sent abroad for training. "My learning curve is the sharpest it's ever been," he said soon after he joined. "It's a real high working with such cutting edge technology."

Last week, less than eight months after he joined, Arun walked out of the job. He has no other offer in hand but he said he couldn't take it anymore. Nor, apparently, could several other people in his department who have also quit recently. The CEO is distressed about the high employee turnover.

He's distressed about the money he's spent in training them. He's distressed because he can't figure out what happened. Why did this talented employee leave despite a top salary? Arun quit for the same reason that drives many good people away. The answer lies in one of the largest studies undertaken by the Gallup Organization.

The study surveyed over a million employees and 80,000 managers and was published in a book called First Break All The Rules.

It came up with this surprising finding: If you're losing good people, look to their immediate supervisor. More than any other single reason, he is the reason people stay and thrive in an organization. And he's the reason why they quit, taking their knowledge, experience and contacts with them. Often, straight to the competition. "People leave managers not companies," write the authors Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman. "So much money has been thrown at the challenge of keeping good people - in the form of better pay, better perks and better training - when, in the end, turnover is mostly a manager issue." If you have a turnover problem, look first to your managers. Are they driving people away?

Beyond a point, an employee's primary need has less to do with money, and more to do with how he's treated and how valued he feels. Much of this depends directly on the immediate manager. And yet, bad bosses seem to happen to good people everywhere. A Fortune magazine survey some years ago found that nearly 75 per cent of employees have suffered at the hands of difficult superiors. You can leave one job to find – you guessed it, another wolf in a pin-stripe suit in the next one.

Of all the workplace stressors, a bad boss is possibly the worst, directly impacting the emotional health and productivity of employees. Here are some all-too common tales from the battlefield:

Dev, an engineer, still shudders as he recalls the almost daily firings his boss subjected him to, usually in front of his subordinates. His boss emasculated him with personal, insulting remarks. In the face of such rage, Dev completely lost the courage to speak up. But when he reached home depressed, he poured himself a few drinks, and magically, became as abusive as the boss himself. Only, it would come out on his wife and children. Not only was his work life in the doldrums, his marriage begun cracking up too.

Another employee Rajat recalls the Chinese torture his boss put him through after a minor disagreement. He cut him off completely. He bypassed him in any decision that needed to be taken. "He stopped sending me any papers or files," says Rajat. "It was humiliating sitting at an empty table. I knew nothing and no one told me anything." Unable to bear this corporate Siberia, he finally quit.

HR experts say that of all the abuses, employees find public humiliation the most intolerable. The first time, an employee may not leave, but a thought has been planted. The second time that thought gets strengthened. The third time, he starts looking for another job.

When people cannot retort openly in anger, they do so by passive aggression. By digging their heels in and slowing down. By doing only what they are told to do and no more. By omitting to give the boss crucial information. Dev says: "If you work for a jerk, you basically want to get him into trouble. You don't have your heart and soul in the job." Different managers can stress out employees in different ways - by being too controlling, too suspicious, too pushy, too critical, and too nit-picky. But they forget that workers are not fixed assets, they are free agents.

When this goes on too long, an employee will quit - often over seemingly trivial issue. It isn't the 100th blow that knocks a good man down. It's the 99 that went before. And while it's true that people leave jobs for all kinds of reasons - for better opportunities or for circumstantial reasons, many who leave would have stayed - had it not been for one man constantly telling them, as Arun's boss did: "You are dispensable. I can find dozens like you.

While it seems like there are plenty of other fish especially in today's waters, consider for a moment the cost of losing a talented employee. There's the cost of finding a replacement. The cost of training the replacement. The cost of not having someone to do the job in the meantime. The loss of clients and contacts the person had with the industry. The loss of morale in co-workers. The loss of trade secrets this person may now share with others.

Plus, of course, the loss of the company's reputation. Every person who leaves a corporation then becomes its ambassador, for better or for worse. We all know of large IT companies that people would love to join and large television companies few want to go near. In both cases, former employees have left to tell their tales.

"Any company trying to compete must figure out a way to engage the
mind of every employee," Jack Welch of GE once said. Much of a company's value lies "between the ears of its employees". If it's bleeding talent, it's bleeding value. Unfortunately, many senior executives busy traveling the world, signing new deals and developing a vision for the company, have little idea of what may be going on at home.

That deep within an organization that otherwise does all the right things, one man could be driving its best people away.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Tersentuh hatiku mendengar lagu Ketulusan Hatiku

tiba2 tersentuh dengan bait2 lirik lagu ni..Ketulusan Hati frm Anuar Zain...jom hayati liriknya

Ketulusan Hati

Cintaku tak berdusta
Tak mengenal ingkar
Tak kenal nestapa
Cintaku hanya indah
Hanya bahagia untuk selamanya
Apa yang kurasakan ini
Persembahan untuk dirimu
Kau biarkan kasihku

Mencintaimu tak mengenal waktu
Tak mengenal puitis
hanya tulusnya hati
mencintaimu tak mengenal ragu
keyakinan hatiku hanya untuk dirimu selalu

Cintaku tak berdusta
Tak mengenal ingkar
Tak kenal nestapa
Tak ada seribu janji
Hanya bahagia untu selamanya
Apa yang kurasakan ini
Persembahan untuk dirimu
Kau benarkan kasihku
Mencintaimu tak mengenal waktu
Tak mengenal puitis hanya tulusnya hati
Mencintaimu tak mengenal ragu
Keyakinan hatiku hanya untuk dirimu selalu
Apa yang kurasakan ini
Persembahan untuk dirimu
Kau dengarkan kasihku

Mencintaimu tak mengenal waktu
Tak mengenal puitis hanya tulusnya hati
Mencintaimu tak mengenal ragu
Keyakinan hatiku hanya untuk dirimu selalu

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Adab/Cara Minum mengikut Rasulullah S.A.W

kalau dah terlampau dahaga tak kira dah macam mana cara nak minum... belasah dan redah je, so kali nie aku ingin berkongsi cara2 minum yang diamalkan oleh Rasulullah SAW serta khasiat di sebalik amalan tersebut sebagai panduan kita bersama...InsyaAllah

Rasulullah SAW amat menyukai minum madu yang dicampur dengan air sejuk. Amalan ini untuk tujuan amalan kesihatan. Rasulullah SAW juga suka minum air sejuk dan mencicip madu sebelum makan apa2 di waktu pagi.

Antara khasiat amalan-amalan ini ialah:

1. Menghilangkan balqham (kahak/lendir)
2. Mencuci perut
3. Membuang sisa-sisa makanan yang tertinggal di dalam perut yg tidak dicernakan dengan sempurna dan menolaknya ke usus besar
4. Menghapuskan sukatan dalam usus, menghilangkan senak perut dan sedu

5. Memperbaiki fungsi buah pinggang, limpa dan hati. Rasullah SAW suka minum air yang telah disimpan semalaman di dalam suatu bekas.

Minuman Manis dan Sejuk

Aisyah (ranha) meriwayatkan bahawa:

"Diantara banyak-banyak jenis minuman, Rasulullah saw suka minuman manis dan sejuk"
Hadis bermaksud, baginda mengemari minuman manis dan sejuk, campuran madu atau nabiz (rendaman buah tamar).
Di dalam suatu doa Rasullah ada menyebut;
"Ya Allah kurniakanlah aku dengan cintaMu yang lebih besar dari cintaku kepada nyawa, harta, anak dan cintaku kepada air sejuk"

Ini memberi isyarat bahawa sudah tentu minuman air sejuk itu
mempunyai khasiat yang lebih besar.
Adapun minuman jika terkumpul didalamnya kemanisan dan kesejukan akan menjadi asbab yang paling bermanfaat untuk penjagaan kesihatan tubuh badan. Ini sekali gus berperanan bahan pemakanan dan mencernakan makanaan yang masuk ke dalam tubuh lalu menyalurkannya ke seluruh anggota badan.

Ringkasan adab minum

1. Gelas atau cawan hendaklah dipegang dengan tangan kanan
2. Bacalah " Bismillah"
3. Minum dengan tiga nafas
4. Minum dalam keadaan duduk
5. Jangan bernafas kedalam air. Setiap kali berhenti minum
arahkan pernafasan ketempat lain.
6. Setiap kali berhenti minum (pada setiap penafasan) bacalah Alhamdullilah
7. Jika tidak ada tempat untuk duduk adalah diharuskan minum sambil berdiri
8. Minum dari baki air yang telah diminum oleh orang lain. Hadis menyatakan bahawa saki baki air minuman seseorang Islam adalah ubat untuk penyakit
9. Jangan terus minum selapas dari melakukan persetubuhan ataupun setelah selesai mengerjakan kerja-kerja berat